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December 13, 2008



He is a beautiful baby and I know you and Erin will be wonderful parents!

I count it a joy every day that I get to work with children who had Down Syndrome. I know I am across the country (Oregon), but if I can ever be of any help I am more than willing!



I'm glad to hear how God has been blessing you in this new stage in your lives! I just got home from seeing Downhere play in Grand Rapids and thought I'd let you know that they played a great show and the new guy is doing well filling in for you. Have a blessed week!


Liam is so adorable! In the picture above it looks like he's giving the Body a hug of thanks too.


You three are in my constant prayers. and I know I am delighted to pray for you and your family. You and Erin have done so much for us [fans] in the past, and I think now is the time for us to give something back to you guys. Love you all!

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