For those of you who are new to my blog (meaning you're first visit was AFTER April 2006) this will be the first CMT post you've seen. I started a series a while back bemoaning the way so many churches use their marquees out front to post really cheesy, usually lame slogans that either outright insulted those driving by who weren't privy to the language ("Christianese") or simply made them shake their head on the way by and mutter under their breath, "If that's what church is like I don't want anything to do with it!"
Well, my brother is on staff at a church up in Canada, and he recently took over the responsibility of the church marquee. He and I are in agreement on this issue, and so he's made it his personal agenda to use the sign as a tool to connect with the community, even hoping to get a chuckle out of the non-churched folks driving by. Here's his most recent work (I guess it's been pretty hot up there as of late)... Needless to say, I have yet another reason to be proud of my little brother. Way to represent, Steve!
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