So my uncle gave me The Husband Book: A Guy's Guide to Marriage for my wedding, and I've been reading it periodically before I go to bed. It's really a fun read - some good, goofy, practical, and sentimental nuggets for how to serve your wife best. As I'm kind of doing the same thing tonight, I thought I would post some of my favorite "nuggets":
Don't ever come between her and her hairdresser... unless she comes home after spending two hundred dollars and looks no different.
Shower often.
Don't forget she will never understand your fascination for bodily noises. Never.
Help her chase her dreams. This could be going back to college, starting a company, or writing a book.
Ask her for help.
Make sure she hears exactly what you're saying. Have her repeat your words. It will amaze you what she's heard.
When she's pregnant, ask yourself how you would like to carry a baby around for nine months, throwing up, swelling, unable to sit up or lie down and being regularly patted by strangers and prodded by doctors. She feels the same way.
If she's just had a rip-roaring scream-out with her mom, you have two options: seek shelter or comfort her. Neither decision will really be right.
Focus on what's good and right and wonderful about her. Soon that's all you'll be able to see.
When you have an argument, forget the ridiculous ideal that one of you can "go home" to the parents. You are home. Work it out.
Remember these words: "How would you like to go to Hawaii?"
On vacations, you'll want to get there in a hurry. She'll want to enjoy the drive. It's up to you to compromise.
I could go on, but I'm sure you're tired of marital advice from a definite newlywed. So I'm going to go to bed... maybe the deep-thinker juices will be flowing in the morning...
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